A liquidity event is an event in which the shareholders of a company receive the opportunity to receive liquidity for their position in the company. Examples of liquidity events include:
Companies can also build in synthetic liquidity events for investors. For example, redemptions, interest, balloon dividend payments or extension payments.
A minority investor in a private company’s biggest fear is that the company will grow and become successful, but that they will continue to remain private with no liquidity events. If this was the case, the investor would have nothing to show for their stake in the company.
When a liquidity event is planned or structured for the near future, most investors are much more likely to invest in or lend to a company.
You can spend weeks analyzing comparables for your company, but at the end of the day, your investors will determine your company’s value. Additionally, there are always ways to claw back dilution later on. We always say, the most important valuation is the one that get your company funded.
Regardless of company stage, it’s very important to prepare your company prior to seeking funding. This includes preparing all of your corporate documents, preparing historical financials, preparing financial projections, and putting together an effective and aesthetically pleasing investor presentation.
ClearThink Capital LLC
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